Balancing the Mix: People. Strategy. Culture.
Business Strategist HR Consultant Conference Speaker Master of Ceremony Writer and Columnist
Providing the insight for personal and organisational positive change and transformation
A unique approach and process for your one-of-a-kind experience and growth
Connecting with you, your organisation, and your audience for an invaluable experience.
Energizing and empowering you to a new way of thinking.
Meet Victor
Victor is passionate about people, systems, processes and how to balance the mix. He is a conference speaker, strategy expert and business and people consultant having worked on projects in both private and public sector circles. He is known for efficacy and effectiveness. He facilitates a number of programs in fields such as Human Resources, Administration, General Soft Skills, Sales & Marketing and Strategy. He is a diversity champion and has helped several organisations build their diversity strategy over the years.

Watch Victor Speak on Employability Issues

Victor has successfully advised, presented, and consulted for leading companies